14 Ambulances from KSrelief Enter Gaza through the Rafah Border Crossing

RAFAH BORDER CROSSING: On 30 November 2023, 14 ambulances provided by the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief) have entered the Gaza Strip via the Rafah Border Crossing, with six more scheduled to arrive for delivery soon.
The vehicles are equipped with all necessary emergency medical equipment, including vital signs monitoring and oxygen devices, first aid kits, burn treatment supplies, gurneys, splints and bandages, and other urgent care items.

The ambulances are being provided as part of the Saudi National Campaign to Support the Palestinian People in the Gaza Strip. Thus far during the campaign, 23 aid airlift planes carrying a total of more than 542 tons of shelter aid, food aid, and medical supplies have arrived in the area l to address the urgent humanitarian situation in Gaza. Two sealift ships carrying have also been dispatched to provide additional aid in a total of 101 large shipping containers. Fifty-eight of the containers are packed with medicines and medical solutions for emergency and critical care, and the other 43 carry food and shelter materials.