Every March 15 the UAE celebrates Emirati children day.  This year the theme for this specific day is ‘The Right to Health’. The UAE promotes the right to health for all children, including people of determination and their families.

The message of this day, which is celebrated annually under the instructions of Sheikh Fatima bint Mubarak, Chairman of the General Women’s Union, Chairman of the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, Supreme Chairman of the Family Development Foundation says that, the right to health is the most important human right, especially the right of the child to health, which is to remain healthy to ensure physical and mental development.

One of the most important needs of the child that must be fulfilled is that all children enjoy the same rights and privileges, regardless of religion, race or ethnic differences. To ensure the formation of a balanced personality for them, physiological needs, security, gratitude, love, appreciation, physical confidence, understanding, knowledge and self-awareness must be provided.

Every child in family care has the right to have a good healthy family life; a clean environment, healthy nutrition. The child should be encouraged to play games, participate in sports and group activities.

The UAE believes that this right of the child is his social right to grow up in a family environment of happiness, love and understanding as well as to grow up in a society where dignity, forgiveness, freedom, equality and brotherhood prevail.

It should be stressed that the UAE -Azerbaijan bilateral relations develop year-on-year in different areas, including in social affairs. So, the UAE Embassy in Baku, in its turn, regularly carries out initiatives dedicated to children. During the past years, the Embassy gifted the children education necessities, visited and communicated with them. Thus, together with the Azeri partners we continue to strengthen the friendly bridge created by our esteemed leaders.

Abdalla AlShamsi

Charge d’affairs

UAE Embassy in Baku